Sunday, July 25, 2010

Why study Physics presentation

Having spent quite some time looking, without success, for a short video (about 10 minutes) to show to high school students in order to motivate them to study Physics, I decided to do something myself. My teenage daughter said it was "Interesting" so I am encouraged!

The presentation is a power point presentation (actually done with Openoffice) and consists of about 30 slides and has the following aims:

  • To explain what Physics is
  • To awaken an interest in studying Physics
  • To look at some exciting new discoveries (nanotech gets a mention)
Download presentation here (ppt) or here (odp) (~1M file).

There is no audio. I hope to use feedback to improve the presentation.

I hope someone who has access to lots of cool video can put together a full video version - may be one exists somewhere - let me know please!

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Purpose of this blog

The intent here is to use this blog to support the various Physics teaching and educational activities I have recent become involved with - after being away from Physics teaching for some years.

There is also quite a bit of science content at my other more general blog:  Wondering thoughts